Stroke And Diabetes Education and Aid Foundation (SADEAF).

SADEAF is a UK based charity aiming at raising awareness of stroke and diabetes in the UK as well as setting up stroke units and helping diabetes services in the Sudan.  Stroke is quite common in the Sudan with severe impact on patients, families, and society. Stroke units do not exist there. We have already gone few steps towards setting up the first ever stroke unit at Soba University Teaching Hospital in Khartoum. We thank Dr. Indira Natarajan and his team. Dr. Natarajan is the clinical director of neurosciences and stroke service lead at the Royal Stoke University Hospital, Stoke-on-Trent. They are supporting joint working between the two organisations and he and his team are going to provide the training for Soba team. We also thank Professor Christine Roffe and Mrs. Eunice Foster from Keele University for their great advice and support. We also thank the Stroke Association in UK and particularly Mrs. Sarah Belson for supporting us and agreeing to translate their comprehensive educational material to Arabic language and publishing it into our website. This is now going on and will be finalised soon. We also thank all individuals supporting us by monthly standing orders and invite more of you to support us and donate generously as we have a very long way to go.

You can also support us at no extra cost to you by clicking here.

For more information please see work done and who we are.

We appreciate donations of stroke rehabilitation equipment. Please kindly contactThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Dr. Mohammed Gadour

Chair of trustees

We welcome anyone willing to join our efforts and work with us.

For more information please see mission statement

Registered Charity in England and Wales, registration number 1178260.

الأسبيرين و السكتة الدماغية ١: السكتة الدماغية تحدث نتيجة لجلطة في الدماغ أو نزيف في الدماغ ٢: لا يمكن التفريق بين الإثنين إِلّا بواسطة الأشعة المقطعية بالكمبيوتر ٣: إذا تم تناول الأسبيرين في حالة النزيف فإنه سيزداد سوأً مما قد يؤدي للوفاه ٤: و عليه يجب عدم تناول الأسبيرين إِلَّا بعد عمل الصورة المقطعية للتأكد من عدم وجود النزيف
Stroke is caused by either a blood clot or bleeding in the brain. The only way to know the cause is by performing a CT brain scan If you give aspirin to a person with bleeding in the brain, The bleeding will get worse and the person could die. So, don’t give aspirin before doing a CT scan to be sure there is no bleeding.